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NIE introduces
Donate Direct

Things change. Tax laws change. New ways to give money (via mobile apps, online credit card, fiscal sponsorships) change.  NIE wants to make it as easy as possible for you to support our creatives and our productions. 

While you can still donate through out Fractured Atlas, our fiscal sponsor, now you can also DONATE DIRECT TO NIE!  Using your CASH APP, VENMO, or directly via your credit card, you can make a donation to NIE. Right here, right now!


  • This is NOT tax deductible.

  • There are no fees other than processing fees

  • NIE will pay taxes on our income (as we should and do) 

  • you can pay conveniently via your phone app or online by choosing the links below. 

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Artists humanize humans and society. They create opportunity for discourse, for reflection and for new ideas and ways of thinking. We help shape and reshape the narrative.


New theatre development needs capital to fund the process. You can be a part of something that makes an impact on society now and into the future when you invest in artists, when you invest in Next Iteration Ensemble.

How your donation breaks down: 
  • 65% pays creatives for their time (actors, light designers, builders, costumers, stage managers, technical operators) & ASL interpreters, etc.
  • 20% buys materials, rents space, buys advertising,  costumes, scripts, printing services,
  • 8% pays bookkeeping, office needs—postage, paper, copying
  • 7% pays our fiscal sponsors for all the work they do for us when you donate through them.
Most of our funding goes directly back into the local economy—paying creatives and buying insurance, services, and goods. 
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Forr a TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION and a 7% fee for our beloved Fiscal Sponsor, click here and  donate through Fractured Atlas!  We think this is awesome too!

Using our fiscal sponsor allows a more traditional approach to donation—you are assured a tax deductible receipt. The red donate button will take you to our page on the Fractured Atlas site.


Please donate using one of our defined levels of giving, or just simply PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN. It takes everyone to make a village.

* Next Iteration Productions is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Next Iteration Productions must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. 


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"...I insist only that it be relevant, in a strange way, to the scene that has chosen to spread itself out before us, the theatre of our lives." —Barthelme



Next Iteration Ensemble

Portland, ME/ Houston, TX  USA

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"There is a hunger to see the human presence acted out. As long as that need remains, people will find a way to do theater."—ZELDA Fichandler 

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